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Jan 13-15, 2024

Jan 13

Restful Saturday

Chase sick so didn't go to Raleigh - missed his second basketball game

Caught up stuff around the house - dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc

Watched some football

Ellie had her horse show - finished 3rd and 5th

Jan 14

Back to Calvary West - Chase was being difficult most of the service - tough to enjoy - but great sermon on marriage

Cooked Burrito bowl from Hello Fresh - it was fairly good - but Mandy has made better - we both agreed with that -- kids loved it and it was easy - so there is that

Jan 15

Assisted with L3/4 decompression - decompressions are largely divided into laminectomy (must be done) +/- discectomy -- we did work to remove part of the medial facet joint which is also a mainstay in this procedure -- took about an hour and 20-30 min -- usually send pt's home from recovery - our pt today had trouble with OSA and would obstruct when laying flat so we kept him to observe overnight

Prep: Chlorhexadine, Towel dry, Alchol wipes, towel dry, then snap handle brush of Chlorhexadine - wide -- inside to outside direction

During the procedure there was some retraction, suction of smoke, lots of sponge work after use of Rongeur and Kerrosin --

Close - deep 3 sutures - Superficial closure - left to put in orders

Came home - ran 2 miles

Ate Jambalaya -- hard for me to tell the difference b/w this and Shrimp creole :

The trinity as it relates to these two is celery, onions, green pepper

Insurance called yesterday - by my calculations:





-2500 deductible

-4323.99 already paid

7283.28 -- amount due to me

First race back on NR2K3 w/ dad - fun race - Pikes Peak Start 19 Finished 16

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